Arbetstillstånd på 30 dagar
Migrationsverket effektiviserar arbetstillståndsprocessen Migrationsverkets generaldirektör, Maria Mindhammar, framhäver att det nya arbetssättet är designat för att möta företagens ökande behov av snabb och kvalificerad arbetskraft. Genom att fokusera på de initiala...
Swedish working culture
The working culture in Sweden is characterized by a strong emphasis on work-life balance, equality, and transparency. Some key features of the Swedish working culture you can read about in this text, enjoy! Swedish working culture - flexibility, collaboration and...
Work as a developer in Sweden
Developer in Sweden Work as a developer in Sweden? Sweden has a strong and growing technology industry in a wide range of branches. Finance, gaming, telecommunication, industry and healthcare is some of them. The country is technologically advanced and has a focus on...